About Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer is the number one cause of cancer-related deaths among women, followed by Breast Cancer.
*Source: American Cancer Society

The Facts

  • 430 people a day die of lung cancer ~ nearly 80% of new lung cancer cases do not smoke.
  • Lung Cancer will cause more deaths this year than: Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Colon Cancer, Liver Cancer and Melanoma ~ COMBINED!
  • In the U.S., Lung Cancer is the second leading cause of death behind only heart disease.
  • Lung cancer research remains dramatically under-funded.

Funding Statistics:

  • The under-funding of lung cancer research has kept its survival rate almost as low as it was in 1971.

Total Research Spending*:

  • BREAST CANCER: $26,398. per person
  • PROSTATE CANCER: $13,419. per person
  • COLON CANCER: $6,849. per person
  • LUNG CANCER: $1,442. per person

*research in dollars per death

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Source: Lung Cancer Alliance, 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20006